Hiding Place

My Great Dane, Zeke, sleeps at the foot of my bed on his own giant doggie bed. I'm an early riser; usually I'm up while it's still dark. When I turn on the light, Zeke often pushes his huge head under my bed as far as it'll go, trying to hide from the harsh glare. it takes some convincing to get him to show his face long enough to go outside to do his business and start the day. Like Zeke, there are many times I just want to hide away in my bedroom. I'm an introvert, and it would be easy for me to do so. It would be so much simpler than facing the day's trials and tribulations. We all know that things can be tough, especially now. Yet, God Himself gently coaxes me out, reminding me that He is all I need. There is great comfort to be found in facing the day with Him. Psalm 32:7: You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with joyful songs of deliverance. Selah