Cracker Jacks
I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14
When I was little, I had mixed feelings about Cracker Jacks. I loved opening the box and catching that first whiff of salty sweetness, and the eager anticipation of tasting those delightful top kernels of sugar-coated popcorn. And, of course, most of all, I could hardly wait to get to the bottom of the box to claim whatever surprise plastic animal, fake tattoo, miniature spinning top, or pop culture sticker might be my bounty at the end. However, I was not a fan of nuts when I was little, and my mother firmly insisted I eat everything in the box, including the hated peanuts, before uncovering the coveted prize. I also had an aversion to the sticky feeling that was an unavoidable side effect of retrieving the tasty morsels from the box’s narrow opening. And I had a child-sized tummy, which became overly full by the time I finished the whole process.
Life seems like that to me. The beginning is usually so sweet and full of hope. There is the anticipation of many joys ahead, and a hunger for more. There are times when the taste is bitter, and times when the going gets messy. And for the Christian, there is most of all the eager desire for the prize at the end: Heaven, where we will be reunited with our Lord, and where the fullness of His joy, peace, comfort, love, and eternal life will be ours forever!
I am 60 years old and will likely live for several more decades. In this stage of life, I am beginning to be sated. God has been good to me and filled me with many wonderful things. There have been some pretty awful things to stomach along the way, but nothing so poisonous that Jesus has not healed me, and nothing so bitter that He has not made it sweet again. My insatiable appetite is slowing down, but not gone by a long shot. I will enjoy the remaining feast here on earth for as long as the Lord provides. But, oh, how I yearn for that heavenly prize!
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