Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. Psalm 20:7

I was recently in a conversation with a godly man, a friend I highly respect. He also happens to be a retired homicide detective. We were discussing the use of firearms for self-protection. That conversation WAS NOT, and this post IS NOT, about the right to carry firearms, one of the hot political topics of our times. For the record, I do strongly support the right of citizens to carry arms, and God bless those of you who do, especially with the intent of protecting loved ones or other innocents, but I just as strongly believe that many of us should not own guns. My friend gave the following wise criteria for self-determination about having a firearm for protection, and I thought it was worth sharing:

 1. Are you physically capable to become proficient with a firearm? (And you should be proficient and knowledgeable in using one.)

2. Are you mentally prepared to respond to a deadly force encounter. (The adage “he who hesitates is lost” takes on serious consequences in such an encounter.)

3. Are you emotionally capable of dealing with the aftermath of a “deadly force” encounter? (This includes immediate and long-term effects, including scrutiny by the legal authorities as well as self-scrutiny).

4. Does using a firearm in self-defense align with your spiritual beliefs?

My hope is that we will all prayerfully consider these criteria and make an informed, careful decision. I also pray we will not judge one another for how God leads each of us individually. For myself, the answers came quickly and easily. Though I’ve fired weapons many times before out in the desert and at the shooting range, and enjoy doing so, I’m a horrible shot! Sometimes I handle crises well but other times I do not. I am most definitely not prepared for the emotional ramifications of killing another human being, though if I ever did so, I do trust that the Lord would get me through the aftermath. I also trust that He will protect me as long as He desires for me to serve Him here on earth. 

It was the last question, however, that firmly puts me in the camp of those who should NOT own a firearm. Jesus Christ is my Savior and Lord, and because of His death and resurrection, I KNOW where I’m going when I die. In a life-threatening encounter, it’s doubtful I’d know whether or not my attacker was a born-again believer. Obviously, given that scenario, chances are good he or she would not be in a loving relationship with the Lord. I can honestly say that I’d rather die myself than end someone else’s life before they have sufficient opportunity to make things right with the God Who created them. In fact, just as gun owners should rehearse how they will respond to a deadly force incident, I rehearse how I would respond. I pray that the last words out of my mouth in such a situation would be to my assailant, “Believe on the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” I’m going to Heaven; may I never send someone else to Hell. Quoting another precious friend, “If He gave His life to love them, so will I.”




  1. Excellent! The reasons for not having a weapon are spot on!

  2. Wow, I've never seen this argument addressed quite this way. I've also struggled with this issue, and you have clarified so many things for me! Thank you for sharing this and I hope it causes many to think and pray before making a decision.


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