Penny Pinchers for Jesus


And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8 (emphasis mine)

My husband is a frugal. I wish I could say that I always appreciated this quality in him, but the truth is that when we were younger, I sometimes foolishly resented what I considered his miserly ways. I selfishly wanted nicer clothes, family vacations more exotic than visiting relatives or going camping, and to be able to go out to lunch with friends any time I wished, not caring if it put us in debt. However, I have since come to deeply appreciate his godly wisdom. I’ve grown up. I’ve come to embrace the truth that all we have belongs to God anyway and we need to be the best stewards of it that we can possibly be.

Recently, I was having  a conversation with a friend during which I compulsively turned out a light I was no longer using. I can still remember my mom telling me as a child that every time I turned on a light switch it cost a penny. I understand now that she was simplifying the cost of electricity in terms that my child’s mind could grasp, but the concept has stuck with me all these years.

The friend chuckled at my meticulous thriftiness, reminding me that we are a relatively affluent society and can afford to leave a couple of lights on now and then. I responded that when we were living as missionaries in Africa, I learned to truly count every penny since our budget was tight. Plus, our support came entirely from the hard-earned money of others. Most importantly, what I wasted could not be used to help others in desperate need, nor further God’s Kingdom here on earth.

John West, I am now so very, very thankful for your wise and careful stewardship of what God has given us. You've been a wonderful provider while also setting a godly example for our family, and that is priceless. And God has abundantly met our every need (and more) and has given us a wonderful life together!


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