I Believe!

 And when they heard that He was alive and had been seen by her, they did not believe. Mark 16:11

My husband and I were extremely blessed to have been invited to spend the weekend with some friends a few weeks ago at their cabin in the cooler mountains north of our desert home. They spoiled us rotten, and it was a time of wonderful fellowship, laughter, and rest. While we were there, they told us that the neighbors often see elk wandering into their yards, but our friends had yet to sight one of the beautiful creatures.

So, on our final morning there when I was on their back porch enjoying the fresh air and peaceful surroundings, I was elated when I spotted a female elk a few yards away. Not wanting to scare her, I softly called my friend’s name, but to no avail, and the graceful animal soon bounded off. I excitedly reported my sighting to my cabinmates a few moments later, but I could tell they weren’t really sure whether to believe me or not! Lots of good-natured teasing ensued. But I’ve seen many elk in my time, and there is no mistaking their large size and graceful movements.

As I pondered all of this, I thought of Mary Magdalene, the first person to see the resurrected Jesus. Just as my friends didn’t really believe my story of seeing the elk, Mary’s friends didn’t believe her either. Until they saw Jesus for themselves, they remained unconvinced. The same is true today. While I have never seen Jesus face to face, I have had a personal, life-giving relationship with Him for many decades now. I experience evidence every day that He is indeed living and present! Yet, sadly, too many don’t believe me, or remain unconvinced.

Thankfully, my friends did eventually see an elk for themselves in their backyard and sent me this photo. 😊 My prayer is that, if you have yet to trust in the reality of the Risen Lord Jesus because you cannot see Him, that you will learn to accept the testimony of countless others and believe. If you know Him, I pray that when you share the Good News with others, that they will give credence to your witness. He’s alive!


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