And His disciples asked Him, saying, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him.” John 9:2-3
“Anxious,” “nervous,” “intense,” “overly emotional,” and “high-strung”
are all adjectives I’ve heard applied to me. Kinder folks say I’m “driven,” “high-energy,”
or “passionate.” I’m often told I need to relax and rest more, whatever that
means. There is often innuendo, and sometimes it’s even spoken outright, that
perhaps my anxiety is a direct lack of faith--or even a sin. Verses like, “Do
not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6) have
been quoted at me more times than I can count.
For years as a young Christian, I’d beg the Lord to show me
how to trust Him more, how to rest in Him more, how to appear less nervous and more
peaceful to those around me. I finally realized I was asking the wrong things.
He has created me the way I am. I have been diagnosed with several legitimate
anxiety disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder. "As with many mental
health conditions, the cause of generalized anxiety disorder likely arises from
a complex interaction of biological and environmental factors…"
My brain apparently works a little differently than so-called
“normal” people. If anything, I’ve learned through my “disorder” to trust Him
MORE, to rest in Him MORE, and to walk MORE humbly with my God. My prayers in
recent years have been less self-focused and more intent on pleasing and
glorifying Him as the planned object of His creation. I’ve learned to allow Him
to harness my pent-up energy to serve Him, to walk in humility knowing full
well my shortcomings, and to forgive those who judge me wrongly.
Let me conclude by saying that this post is not a pity party,
nor designed to make you feel sorry for me! I am at peace with who He has
created me to be, knowing that He can and will glorify Himself in my
weaknesses. This is more a plea for us all to be slower to judge and offer “remedies”
to others. It is an appeal for us all to be kinder to those who are different from
us. And it is my hope that we will all become less self-focused and more
focused on our Creator!
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