Thus says the Lord of hosts, ... show kindness and mercy to one another. Zechariah 7:9

A friend passed recently. The faith of both he and his wife through the years of battle with cancer was such an encouragement to our local church family. They exemplified how we as believers should live, trusting the Lord with every breath until our last here on earth. We rejoice now because Russ is in Heaven, and has heard those longed-for words, “Well done good and faithful servant.” And we will be reunited with him one day!

I will never forget the last time I saw Russ. Another friend and I were taking a long walk in their neighborhood, and I became desperate for a bathroom. We knew Russ was fatigued from recent treatment and hated to bother him. As well, I had a stubborn cough, and we didn’t want to expose him to any lingering germs I might have. But did I mention that I was desperate? We called his wife, who graciously encouraged us to stop by to use their facilities, which I gratefully did. Both Russ and Cheryl extended hospitality in my time of need, IN SPITE of the possible jeopardy to his health. Russ himself managed to get up to greet us at the door and kindly made sure the facilities were in decent order before I used them. It may have seemed a simple thing to this dear couple, but it is a sacrificial kindness I will never forget. May we all emulate this kind of daily altruism in whatever circumstances God sends our way! 


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